Incline Walking For Fat Loss – Does It Work?

Incline Walking For Fat Loss

Are you keen to lose weight? Are you considering incline walking for fat loss?

Incline walking is a great way to burn belly fat and improve your cardiovascular health provided it is done the right way.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about this effective form of exercise.

What is Incline Walking?

The literal meaning of the word ‘incline’ is ‘upward slope’.

Incline walking is a form of aerobic exercise that uses a machine or a set of stairs to create an incline. You can use a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, or a stair climber.

But a treadmill is the most preferred buddy for incline workouts of most fat loss enthusiasts.

Does Walking on an Incline Burn Belly Fat

The incline causes your heart rate to increase, which in turn helps you burn more calories. Incline walking is a great way to get your heart rate up and help you lose weight.

Does Walking on an Incline Burn Belly Fat?

Yes, walking on an incline does burn your belly fat. In fact, walking on an incline is a great way to burn belly fat.

When you walk up an incline, your body has to work harder to maintain your balance. This extra effort burns more calories and fat.

Continuous movement is required to burn fat from a specific area of the body. Compression and relaxation of the muscles lead to fat burn.

The general rule is that when it comes to losing belly fat, it’s all about burning total calories. It doesn’t matter which part of your body is burning calories. But when it comes to tone or shape up, the relevant muscle needs to be engaged.

However, walking on an inclination also targets your lower tummy, which is where stubborn fat collects. As such, fat loss is also accompanied by belly toning, though the results are visible once the fat goes away.


Walking on an inclination does, in fact, burn abdominal fat.

Does Walking on an Incline Burn Belly Fat

Incline Treadmill Workout for Fat Loss

Incline treadmill walking for fat loss is widely preferred. It’s a great way to increase the intensity of your treadmill workout while also burning more calories.

Incline walking on your treadmill increases the difficulty level of your exercise. Because your body needs to work harder when you walk quickly or run at an incline, you burn more calories.

It also helps to generate greater lean muscle mass by activating more muscles. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, this aids weight loss.

What Speed and Incline on Treadmill to Burn Fat?

Try this treadmill routine if you want to exercise on an incline:

Incline Treadmill Workout for Fat Loss
  • Begin by warming up. Walk at 2 mph on flat treadmill for 5 minutes.
  • Adjust the inclination to 1%. For 1 minute, jog at 4 to 6 mph.
  • Each minute, keep increasing the incline by 1%. Repeat until you reach an incline of 8 to 10%.
  • Then go reverse. Each minute, decrease the incline by 1%. Repeat until you’ve reached a 0% to 1% inclination.
  • To cool down, take a 5-minute walk at 2 mph.
what speed and incline on treadmill to burn fat

The average jogging speed is 4 to 6 miles per hour. To make this workout more difficult, increase the speed or add additional minutes.

Increase the incline by 0.5% per minute for a simpler form. Repeat until you achieve a 4 to 5% incline, and then reverse the process.

Incline Walking Weight Loss Results

Incline walking is a great exercise for weight loss. It is a low-impact exercise that can help you lose weight and tone your body. Incline walking can help you burn calories faster and increase your metabolism.

Incline Walking Results

Walking at an hourly speed of 4 miles for half an hour will make you burn 145 calories. But walking the same distance on an incline for the same time can make you burn a whopping 345 calories! The results are simply amazing…

Does Incline Walking Build Muscle?

Incline walking is a great way to burn calories and build muscle at the same time. The combination of a high-intensity workout and the added resistance of incline walking will help you lose weight and build muscle.

Does Incline Walking Build Muscle?

The higher the incline and the longer you exercise on it, the faster you’ll see results.

Incline Walking Weight Loss Results

Best Incline for Walking on Treadmill

Increase the incline to 15% or greater for the best incline walking for fat loss results!

Running or incline walking for fat loss?


Incline walking and running are equally effective.

Running or incline walking for fat loss?
  1. Does Incline Walking Burn Fat?

    Yes. Incline Walking does burn a lot of fats. Walking on an inclined treadmill raises the level of difficulty of your workout. You burn more calories when you walk quickly or sprint uphill because your body has to work harder.

  2. Does Walking on an Incline Burn Belly Fat?

    Yes. Walking on an incline surely burns belly fat. If done correctly, incline walking is an excellent technique to burn belly fat and enhance cardiovascular health.

  3. Does Walking on an Incline Burn Fat?

    Yes, it does. We can safely conclude that walking on an incline does burn fat faster than walking on a flat platform. You can actually lose weight incline walking.